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CrowdCoursing empowers educators and communities to create safe, customizable virtual and in-person events and volunteer sessions to cater to the unique educational needs within their district. CrowdCoursing is FREE forever for community use.

Volunteer Management and 

Community Engagement, Reimagined.

District  Management 

Made Simple

Most volunteer software requires administrators to centrally manage volunteer opportunities and events, making management into a very time-consuming task and a huge overhead for any school or school district.

CrowdCoursing simplifies the process by empowering educators and administrators to create their own Rooms and Events in a designated environment.

Volunteers are then able to easily find and join said Rooms and Events, with relevant metrics such as hours stored for meeting admin and district reporting requirements.

Built On Expert Feedback

CrowdCoursing has been built from the ground up using thousands of hours of expert educator feedback, and in partnership with real schools and districts. Because of this, CrowdCoursing is the most flexible, modern, and easy-to-use volunteer management platform (and so much more) on the market.

We look forward to working with you to solve your volunteer management and community engagement needs. 

District  Management 

Made Simple

Most volunteer software requires administrators to centrally manage volunteer opportunities and events, making management into a very time-consuming task and a huge overhead for any school or school district.

CrowdCoursing simplifies the process by empowering educators and administrators to create their own Rooms and Events in a designated environment.

Volunteers are then able to easily find and join said Rooms and Events, with relevant metrics such as hours stored for meeting admin and district reporting requirements.

Built On Expert Feedback

CrowdCoursing has been built from the ground up using thousands of hours of expert educator feedback, and in partnership with real schools and districts. Because of this, CrowdCoursing is the most flexible, modern, and easy-to-use volunteer management platform (and so much more) on the market.

We look forward to working with you to solve your volunteer management and community engagement needs. 

  • Schools

  • Room Objectives

  • Meeting Schedules and Frequency   

  • Approved Members and Volunteers

Register Your  School District

Easily create a custom built environment for your volunteer-matching needs:



  • Room Facilitators and Educators 

  • Course Options

  • And More

  • Schools

  • Room Objectives

  • Meeting Schedules and Frequency   

  • Approved Members and Volunteers

  • Room Facilitators and Educators 

  • Course Options

  • And More

Empower Educators 

and Volunteers

Educators can create Rooms and Events on their own. They can manage room members, set meeting schedule and frequency, and communicate directly with approved volunteers. Educators have the freedom to change settings or add/remove Rooms and Events at any time, always keeping the choice and control in their hands.





Get Actionable 


CrowdCoursing has robust volunteer time-tracking and aggregate reporting capabilities. Contact us for custom, built-in insights.





Set Up Reminders

Rooms and Events can be set up to have text and/or e-mail reminders to increase volunteer participation and greatly reduce missed volunteer opportunities.





School Districts - How It Works:

Community Platform - Always Free!

Centralized Organization:

 Easily coordinate events, clubs, and activities within your local community, all in one place.

Effortless Communication:

Stay connected with volunteers, parents, and teachers through streamlined messaging and notifications.

Engagement Made Simple:

Encourage participation and involvement by providing a user-friendly platform for sign-ups and interactions.

Empower Your Community:

Enable individuals to take charge and contribute positively by sharing their skills, resources, and time.

The community version of CrowdCoursing is open to everyone in the community. It allows individuals, organizations, clubs, and community groups to create and manage their own rooms for volunteer opportunities and events. The community version fosters a sense of community and brings people together for various causes and initiatives, further empowering community members to make a positive impact. 

Community Platform

Always Free!

The community version of CrowdCoursing is open to everyone in the community. It allows individuals, organizations, clubs, and community groups to create and manage their own rooms for volunteer opportunities and events. The community version fosters a sense of community and brings people together for various causes and initiatives, further empowering community members to make a positive impact. 

 Easily coordinate events, clubs, and activities within your local community, all in one place.

Stay connected with volunteers, parents, and teachers through streamlined messaging and notifications.

Encourage participation and involvement by providing a user-friendly platform for sign-ups and interactions.


Enable individuals to take charge and contribute positively by sharing their skills, resources, and time.

Centralized Organization:

Effortless Communication:

Engagement Made Simple:

Empower Your Community

District  Management

Made Simple

Most volunteer software requires administrators to centrally manage volunteer opportunities and events, making management into a very time-consuming task and a huge overhead for any school or school district.

CrowdCoursing simplifies the process by empowering educators and administrators to create their own Rooms and Events in a designated environment.

Volunteers are then able to easily find and join said Rooms and Events, with relevant metrics such as hours stored for meeting admin and district reporting requirements.

Built On Expert Feedback

CrowdCoursing has been built from the ground up using thousands of hours of expert educator feedback, and in partnership with real schools and districts. Because of this, CrowdCoursing is the most flexible, modern, and easy-to-use volunteer management platform (and so much more) on the market.

We look forward to working with you to solve your volunteer management and community engagement needs. 

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